Those of you who have viewed this site for some time will know that back in 2011 and 2012 I attempted to do an A-Z Pub Challenge. You will also know that I didn't succeed on either attempt. 2017 saw me try again and again, I didn't succeed.
I know that I made the rules and the challenge for myself and I've come to realise that on a certain level I've made some of this almost impossible and unenjoyable for myself. After all, this challenge is about riding and getting out and about, its not about hating doing it.
OK, back to the rules, which for 2020 I have amended for myself. It's still nice and simple, as I again aim to complete the alphabet using pub names, though its agreed that there are some letters that simply don't have pubs which used them, X being one. I aim to visit the various English and Welsh counties and have my scooter photographed outside them to show where I've been and to provide a record that they have been visited.
The main rule change is that I can now complete up to 3 pubs in any one county. Once I have 3 pubs in one county thats it. Even though this is a challenge for me I still want to keep it as a challenge. I'll list the results on this page, as and when I've done them.
For those who think that this is simple, I've now tried it on 3 seperate occasions and failed each time. Will it be 4th time lucky? Who knows.
I've found a current list of British counties and will start logging where I've been once I get the first run under my belt - watch this space!