20th Anniversary Year
Way back in 2002 I set up the Luna Owners Club with the sole aim of keeping Luna owners up to date with information on the Luna line, involvement in scooter shows and events and generally making the club a one-stop shop for Luna-tics worldwide.
Since 2002 and the handful of members we had, the club has expanded over time, especially within the past 5 years when the Luna line has gained more interest, mainly as a result of improvements in engine upgrades - offered by Rimini Lambretta Centre - RLC home, Accessori e Ricambi, originali e Casa Lambretta, original accessories and parts (riminilambrettacentre.com)
There is no doubt no that given the options and upgrades that are available the Luna line has gained new followers and as such prices for scooters, parts and accesories have risen.
As a club we aim to attend events and to keep spreading the name of the Luna Owners Club, whether that be in the UK or abroad.
One event I can let you know about is a joint event between the Modrapheniacs SC and the Luna Owners Club on the 9th July at Lytchett Minster Rugby Club in Dorset. This event is the annual Jo Loving event which the LOC will be actively supporting. If you own a Luna line machine then it woulkd be good to see you there.
Merchandise will be sorted and will be shown either on here, on our Facebook page (as the Luna Owners Club) or via our online forum - which is still ther best place to find a ton of information on the Luna line Free forum : Luna Owners Club (forumotion.com)
If you want any further information then please send an email to lunaownersclub@hotmail.com